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Creating Asphalt Roads with AK Terrains Asphalt – Product Feature2 min read

AK Interactive - Terrains Asphalt for Model Railroading

We did concrete roads with acrylic paints, now we’re going to show you how to do roads with this week’s featured product: Terrains Asphalt from AK Interactive.

We’re going to be mixing a bunch of different road types into our ho scale layout and in this quick video, we show you how we use the AK Interactive Terrains Asphalt (AK8013) to create realistic asphalt roads.

We do not go into weathering or adding lines in this video, but we did create this how-to on a small diorama that WE WILL use again for just that. To show you the progression of how we add lines, weather, crack, and pothole up this asphalt road on our HO scale model railroad layout.

Things you’ll need for this include:

We made the road section 20 scale feet wide, but this is certainly up to you and depending on where you live or the type of road, you may have a wider or more narrow roadway.

How to apply this stuff:

  1. We start out by gluing down the EVA craft foam to our diorama/layout and letting it dry. Brett glued it down with tacky glue, but white glue, hot glue or other craft glues work just fine. Let that dry until it is not movable.
  2. OPTIONAL – apply painters tape or masking to avoid a messy over-application. You don’t have to do this, but if you’re messy like we can be, it helps.
  3. Apply the asphalt medium with a paint brush or popsicle stick and smooth & spread it evenly with the spatula.
  4. If you have areas that are blotchy or need to be smoothed out a little more you can use a little water on your spatula to get rid of “seams” and achieve a smooth asphalt road look.
  5. Ensure all the asphalt is the way you wish with its texture and smoothness. At this point it is shiny, but it will dry as seen in the video.
  6. Allow to dry, ours took about 2 hours to dry to the touch.

We love how this turns out and we can’t wait to get into weathering and adding some scenery to this little diorama so we can share how we dress-up the shoulders and side of this little road diorama!

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